
Melnyk et al.2014 Essay

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Publisher: Taylor & Francis
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International Journal of Production Research
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Supply chain design: issues, challenges, frameworks and solutions a a

Steven A. Melnyk , Ram Narasimhan & Hugo A. DeCampos



Department of Supply Chain Management, Michigan State University, The Eli Broad
Graduate School of Management,, East Lansing, MI, 48824, USA.
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Supply chain design needs to comprehend these three levels of analysis. The articles in this special issue are introduced in the context of these levels of analysis and a research agenda is suggested that can be pursued in light of this framework, highlighting areas that are covered in this special issue and areas where research opportunities exist.
Keywords: supply chain design; supply chain architecture; integration; life cycle design; research framework

1. Introduction
1.1 Why focus on supply chain design?
The last 20 years have seen the emergence of the supply chain as a critical competitive force in today’s increasingly turbulent marketplace (Lee and Billington 1992; Lee 2004; Melnyk et al. 2009). By drawing on the capabilities (i.e., capacity and skills) offered by the supply chain (the set of upstream and downstream entities who work either directly or indirectly with the firm) and by developing and fostering appropriate ties with both customers and suppliers, firms can realise significant benefits in the form of reduced inventories, lower costs, enhanced responsiveness, and improved strategic focus in terms of design, execution and capital investments (Harvard Business Review 2006). Providing further support for the supply chain’s impact on performance, AMR (a leading supply chain research organisation) stated that in 2008 the top 25 companies with best supply chain

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