
Meg's Relationships With Characters

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Meg is a fighter and she sticks up for people. She is very down about herself sometimes. Meg is not a fan of school and she does not make very good grades. She does not like kids picking on her or her family. Meg likes to rough house a little bit too.

Meg has a relationship toward some characters in the book. Charles Wallace is her younger brother and Meg has a found relationship toward him. The twins and Meg are not as good of friends with her as Charles. Meg says she has nothing in common with her mother but she sort of does. Meg has some good and bad relationships with characters these are just a few.

I guess you could say her physical appearance is pretty normal. Meg has braces and brown hair. She wears glasses and keeps her hair in a pony tail. Meg says she is a “monster.” This is Meg's physical appearance. …show more content…

He is like her because in basketball when he gets set on the bench he is really down on himself. He is a pretty normal guy and his grades are pretty basic. Chase does not like to get in trouble either. This is who I think is like

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