Life Of Medusa Medusa is a well known snake headed creature, but have you ever wondered how that happened. The mortal gorgon Medusa had falled in love with Poseidon and now she’s not allowed to look at anyone. Medusa is a well known Mythological creature, she had a strange family, an interesting life, and was later killed and seen as a helpful symbol to many. Medusa’s family is made if many monsters. Her parents, gods and godess of the sea, they were Phorcys and Ceyto. Phorcys was said to have claws for legs and red scales for skin. With Poseidon Medusa had two kids, Choysar and Pegasas. She was also one of three daughters, Sthenno and Euryale. One reason she’s known is because of her strange family, but she is the only one mainly talked. Medusa
The monster Cerberus is a three headed monster dog myth, originated in Greek mythology he was the guard dog and protector of the underworld and the God Hades, he is most famous for the fight with Hercules Cerberus was supposed to defeat the hero but of course Hercules was able to defeat the monster and survive the underworld. The earliest record of the beast was back in 590-580 BC, and written by Homer who also wrote The Odyssey Homer was known for writing Epic poems which are long stories that tell the story of a hero and their journey. Cerberus also makes an appearance in the odyssey, the sides of agony,and most recently Harry potter but does not appear in many known modern/fine art paintings , one of the first depictions were found on
He was the son of Rhea and Cronus, and was the oldest of his two brothers, Hades and Zeus, but younger than his three sisters Hestia, Hera, and Demeter. Amphitrite was sea-goddess and wife of Poseidon. She was a lesser god who was mostly known for being the wife of Poseidon, ruler of the sea. Some of the more well know children he had were: Triton (w/ Amphitrite), Pegasus (Medusa), Theseus (w/ Aethra), Polyphemus (w/ Thoosa), Belus (w/ Libya), Agenor (w/ Libya), and Neleus (w/ Tyro).
Medusa means "sovereign female wisdom." In Sanskrit it's Medha. Medusa was originally a Libyan Goddess, worshiped by The Amazons as their Serpent-Goddess. She was considered the destroyer aspect of the Great Triple Goddess also called Neith, Anath, Athene or Ath-enna in North Africa and Athana in 1400. BC Minoan Crete. She can also be connected to Africa where she had a hidden, dangerous face, and her hair was represented as resembling dread locks. Libyan Amazons believed that no one could possibly lift her veil, and that to look upon her face was to glimpse one's own death as she saw yours.
Medea’s mother Idyia was the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. She was an Okeanid-nymph and presumably the Naiad of the main well or fountain of Colchis. It was not uncommon in Greek mythology for Kings to marry the local Naiad.
Medusa: A woman with snakes for hair, face could turn anyone to stone, beheaded by Theseus, was once a beautiful woman and priestess of Athena before being raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple and being given this form in punishment.
This is the defining part of the play on who Medea is; someone that creates her own fate and disprove expectations. Which is what led her to the conclusion of killing her own children, knowing that this will hurt Jason the most, even over being murdered. Because men primarily care about family lineage and Medea ended Jason’s family forever with this heinous act. All these events portray Medea as a fearsome sorceress that will not tolerate being taken advantage of. Her traits of power and strength come during the scene when she is about to kill her children and is indecisive; but in the end her anger towards Jason overpowered her love of the children and she murders them. In the last scene of the play when she is above Jason in a godly chariot pulled by snakes the audience gets a sense of her cleverness and how she is different from other female characters. She will not risk being captured and was always two steps ahead of Jason the whole time. This is far different than what is usually expected, because the hero is defeated by a woman and she leaves without any sort of punishment. Medea as described in this play is a powerful/revengeful sorceress that outwitted her husband and managed to escape punishment for filicide.
Medusa, the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto is a famous gorgon in Greek Mythology. Medusa, who represented female wisdom, was the eldest of two other Gorgon sisters, Stheino, who represented strength, and the last sister, Euryale as universality. Medusa was the mortal one of the sisters. She was known originally for being a beautiful young maiden, her loveliest feature being her long gorgeous hair. She was a virgin, and she was raped by Poseidon, Lord of the Sea, while she had been worshipping in the temple of the Goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. Athena was enraged about this happening in her temple. She blamed Medusa for this sacrilegious act and punished Medusa by taking her beauty away from her and turning her into a
Medea asserts her independence by “[making] Jason go far off, and made the household go far off, and told them not to look, not to profane her mysterious by watching” (Line 257-259), displaying that she has the right to her own privacy, although many believed that women should not be allowed their own private lives. In Ovid’s work, Medea is shown attempting and successfully killing Pelias by tricking his daughters into committing the crime. “And this she would have paid for, had not her dragon car been there to take her swift through high air” (Line 350), the notion that Medea had the cunningness to kill Pelias and escape defies what had people believed women were capable of. Later in Book 7, Medea is married to Aegeus and she wishes to kill Theseus. “When Aegeus noticed on his scabbard emblems familiar to him, and struck the death from his son’s lips, and once again Medea rode in a whirling cloud of magic darkness and out of reach of death.
Medusa was a murder victim. Medusa’s head was looked at as a treaured item, her eyes would turn people into stone. Perseus, Zeus’s son, a Greek hero, and a monster slayer was sent on a mission. Perseus’ mission was to chop Medusa’s head off to use her eyes to
Mnemosyne’s family is very unique. Her parents are Ouranos and Gaea. Ouranos represents the heavens where as Gae is the representative of the Earth. Mnemosyne had had nine daughters with Zeus, the god of gods. Her daughters are known as “ The Muses” (“Mnemosyne” ). They are in many myths and played major roles in them. Mnemosyne has 11 other siblings. Her siblings are Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, Cronus, Crius and Iapetus. Her sisters are Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Rhea and Themis They are the first generation of titans (“Mnemosyne”).
In further explanation, Medea’s origin seems to be unusual to Greek standards. She comes from a royal family in the land of Colchis. Through Greek standards, women were meant to be housewives, cooking and cleaning. They had no say in their society due to men holding a higher status; in fact Euripides criticizes the male-domination of society. It appears that men are seen as imbeciles. For example, King Creon made a wrong mistake not exiling Medea right then and there. By allowing her to stay her plans are set for action; “Now if you must stay, stay for
She was the daughter of Phorkys and Keto and their parents were Gaea or Earth and Oceanus or Ocean. She was also one of the gorgon sisters, who were Sthenno and Euryale, but Medusa was the only mortal of the three. " Medusa was represented as a very beautiful female; unlike the other Gorgons"(Britannica Medusa). Medusa had nothing to worry about in her early life but until she fell in love with Poseidon, the sea god.
Medusa was born in Ancient Greece, on October 31, 2111 B.C to Phorcys and Ceto. She graduated from Freaky Figurines High School, and received a degree in Awkward Effigy from Deceased Modeling of Greece University. Medusa is still drooling over the Sea God Poseidon (who she has no chance with whatsoever) that looks way better than her, which is obvious he doesn't have snakes for hair. She lived in Ancient Greece for her whole life with Poseidon tell they snuck into Athena’s castle. Which is the whole reason she was cursed along with her sisters who cursed her.
Both Fifth century B.C. playwright Euripides and Roman poet and dramatist Ovid tell the story of Jason ditching Medea for another woman; however, they do not always share a perspective on the female matron's traits, behavior, and purpose. Euripides portrays a woman who reacts to injustice by beginning a crusade to avenge all who harmed her which she is prepared to see through even if it means resorting to the most contemptible methods. Ovid, on the other hand, tells of a much less extreme figure whose humble goal is only to persuade Jason to return. Despite these differences, both Medeas create trouble by acting with emotions instead of with reason, and as a result, put
All throughout history, there has been a fine balance between government and family. Millions go off to war to fight for their country, while leaving their precious lives and families behind. Hector, and many other Greeks and Trojans, had to go off and fight for their loved ones and defend their beloved country. In the same way, Ama-Terasu had to push away her own brother, so she could focus on her own duties and rule over the land. Hector, from the Trojan War, and Ama-Terasu, from the Japanese Myth, are two perfect examples of two people/gods finding perfect peace between defending their countries and being with their loved ones for all of their days.