
Medicare : Medicare And Medicaid

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Week 2 DB Billing 2
Compare and contrast Medicare and Medicaid; including funding sources, fraud and/or abuse, and eligibility requirements for recipients Both Medicare and Medicaid are administered through a division of Health and Human Services called the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
CMS’s primary role is to monitor contractors and state agency to ensure the proper administration of Medicare and Medicaid.
CMS establishes policies for the provider reimbursements, researches healthcare management and treatments, and continually asses the quality of facilities and services.
Medicare was created by a Congressional act in 1965 to provide medical insurance to the elderly (those 65 years and older). In 1972 Medicare was …show more content…

Beneficiaries with annual incomes over $85,000/individual or $170,000/couple pay a higher, income-related Part B premium reflecting a larger share of total Part B spending, ranging from 35% to 80%.(Kaiser Family Foundation, 2015)
Medicare Part C: Medicare Advantage (MA) offers expanded benefits through private health Insurance programs and usually include Part D coverage.
Part C is funded through monthly premiums to private carriers and Part B premiums.
Medicare Part D: prescription drug coverage
Part D is financed through general revenues (74%), beneficiary premiums (15%), and state payments for dual eligibles (11%). Similar to Part B, enrollees with higher incomes pay a larger share of the cost of Part D coverage. (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2015)

The Social Security Administration assists the CMS in the administration of Medicare by enrolling new beneficiary, collecting premiums, and maintaining the master beneficiary record. When you apply for SS at age 65 you will also be enrolled in Medicare or you can apply for it separately on the SS website if you are not going to begin taking SS retirement payments.
Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) process claims for Medicare.
For Medicare A/B there are 12 MAC jurisdictions (There were originally 15 A/B MACS and now there are currently 12 disbursed throughout the country and the plan is to reduce this down to 10.)
For Home Health and Hospice (HH+H) there are 4 regional MACS
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