
Medicare Part D

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Medicare Part D Drug Plan was created by Congress in 2003 to aid the elderly, disabled, and sick persons in affording their medication. Coverage for the drug plan went into affect January 1, 2006. This plan was called the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) (Cassel, 2005). The final bill that passed, was influenced by drug-company and health insurance lobbyists and focused mainly on the needs of those industries instead of the seniors it was meant to serve (Slaughter, 2006). These plans are operated by insurance companies and some private companies that have been approved by Medicare. Part D is optional only if a person carries health insurance that includes prescription coverage. If at retirement …show more content…

Within the formulary the drugs are divided into tiers. Co-payments are based on the tier that the drug is in and range from tier 1, the least expensive drugs, to tier 3 the most expensive drugs. Each insurance company plan is allowed to add or drop drugs from their formularies and move drugs from one tier level to another throughout the year. An insurance company can also drop a drug in the middle of the year, but must continue covering the drug for anyone taking it until the next reenrollment period, at which time a new plan will have to be chosen that covers that drug (Gustaitis, 2007). Although not used a lot there is a fourth tier that is for specialty drugs only. Some plans use a flat-rate or assign a percentage co-pay to the higher tier drugs (Gustaitis, 2007). Other characteristics of the insurance company plans that they have control over are requiring prior authorization for a drug, using step therapy, limiting the quantity, participating at certain pharmacies, and having preferred pharmacies (Gustaitis, 2007). The amounts in the table below are what my father has paid in the last two years and what he will be paying in 2008 through AARPMedicareRX. As his caregiver I signed my Dad up for Medicare Part D during the initial enrollment period in 2005. Since Dad had no prescription coverage and after reading the information sent to him in the mail I thought Medicare Part D’s drug plan was a good option. But after being

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