
Medical Malpractice Essay

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(Baltimore, MD) reports seven of every 1,000 babies born in the United States suffer a birth injury. This works out to 28,000 victims per year, 538 per week or three per hour. One baby is one baby too many, however, and parents need to know there is help when they find their child has been harmed in this manner. Gershon, Willoughby and Getz, LLC ( truly understands the impact a birth injury has on a family, as many of the partners have graduated from medical school.

"We understand the medical and legal ramifications of the injury, along with the hurt, devastation and confusion of the child's loved ones. Parents need to recognize they only have one opportunity to state their case in court, thus they …show more content…

If this child is injured during the birth process or suffers a birth related disability, legal guidance is needed. Medical malpractice involves the complex science of medicine, therefore successful advocacy requires a deep passion for this field and a comprehensive knowledge of both law and medicine to be effective. Gershon, Willoughby and Getz, LLC attorneys believe the best way to effectively advocate for seriously injured victims of malpractice is to attend medical school and fight relentlessly to protect and enforce the rights of the client.

Dr. Zev Gershon, Esq. founded the practiced and brought in staff with nearly 70 cumulative years of helping victims and their family recover following a medical injury. The medical training they have undertaken remains a critical part in recovering fair and appropriate compensation for clients, thus the majority of the firm's partners have graduated from medical school. This detail, the firm's successful track record and the fact the firm focuses solely on medical malpractice allows it to stand out. If there is no recovery, there is no fee or

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