Hello everyone! Unfortunately, this is the last post I will be making regarding medical school and the field in general, but I want to leave an impression on the prospective outlook of being any type of professional in the medical field, or obstacles that are certainly headed your way. Addressing Ashley Sims’ question on the last post, a found a site that described a birth injury case: http://www.litigationandtrial.com/2010/10/articles/attorney/medical-malpractice-1/the-truth-about-those-blockbuster-birth-injury-obstetrical-malpractice-jury-verdicts/
It also gives examples of common mistakes made by obstetricians. I hope it helps!
Now, let’s take a look at the best careers, salary wise. On a 2012 projection by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, surgeons/physicians, dentists, and pharmacists are the top paying professions. Yearly, they pay $187,200, $149,310, $116,670, respectively. These numbers are art worthy of Gogh to anyone who sees but the amount of education could be a major turnoff, for all of 3 professions require a doctoral or professional degree (PhD).
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Most of us have heard in some point in time that dentists are consistent visitors in the suicide department. This is not far from the truth, because various studies from Mental Health Daily, Medscape, the Washington Post, and many others have all either rated medical professions in the top three most likely to commit suicide or reported a case on such an event. According to the Wall Street Journal, a survey of 12,000 physicians only had 6% describe a positive morale. Don’t forget these are the highest paid of
The solution probably seems like a no brainer, don't drink alcohol while pregnant. But it goes further than this, we must hold others accountable, spread awareness, and be educated on this topic so we can stand firm to stop this preventable cause.
A civil suit is commonly derived from a private party or individual, who alleges damages from duty of care. Once a civil case begins, it is the duty of the plaintiff to prove, with evidence, duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages. Conversely, the defendant must prove their affirmative defense against documented allegations. The Oliver versus Brock case proves the importance of supporting evidence as opposed to hearsay statements, to prove the truth of the matter. In the Oliver versus Brock case, Cathy (Plaintiff) filed a lawsuit against Bryan Whitfield Memorial Hospital of Demopolis and the treating physicians Dr. F.S. Whitfield, Dr. Paul Ketcham and Dr. E.C. Brock (Defendant) for negligence of care. Analyzing the facts in
This year Glassdoor has released the list of professions that receive the thickest paychecks. Doctors/physicians have topped the list of the highest paying jobs in the United States. The top five highest-paying jobs according to Glassdoor are:
An experienced nurse Julie Thao was taking care of 16-yeas old Jasmine Gant who was about t give a birth. Thao is accused of making a mistake that had terrible and tragic result on the life of a pregnant teenage, unborn child, Gant’s family, health care, and Thao’s life. Thao mistakenly gave Gant an epidural anesthetic intravenously instead of an IV antibiotic for a strep infection. Within minutes of receiving the epidural IV, Gant suffered seizures and died. Her child, a boy, was delivered by emergency Caesarean section and survived. So what caused this tragedy to happen? According to investigation, Thao improperly removed the epidural bag from a locked storage system without authorization, she did not scan the bar code, which would have told
| A background in health care has a protective effect, leading to a lower rate of suicide among physicians and nurses than in the general public.
I planned on stopping by today to speak with you; however, I wanted to give you a heads up first to think about it. Friday, Jennifer’s water ruptured very early(33 weeks). We had to go to the hospital where they have to keep her until the baby is born. They are trying to keep her from having the baby by utilizing different methods of medication for at least another week so the baby can develop his lungs. However, they are going to try and keep the baby in longer if possible. The baby will go directly into a NICU because it is too early unless they can keep the baby in past 35 weeks and he is developed enough to eat and breath on his own. I highly doubt that Jennifer will be able to start on the starting date June 3rd. Today, when our doctor
In the 25th week of her pregnancy, the mother was advised by the nurse to remain on bed rest to avoid further complications and potentially hurting her unborn baby. The mother continued to work from the hospital placing additional stress on the baby despite the nurse’s appeal that such stress can cause the baby harm. Attempts to stop premature delivery were made but failed, the mother asked the medical team not to take any extraordinary measure to save the baby. The premature baby lived but the mother showed little interest in his health and wellness. The nurse tried to the best of her ability to spark
If this scenario happened in an outpatient clinic or urgent care center and there were physicians who were more dedicated to patient safety a report to child protective services may have been made regarding the child’s injuries. This child deserves to have her rights observed and
This case is extremely relevant to what is known as the four D’s of negligence; duty, dereliction, direct cause and damages. Duty is when a doctor and a patient have formed a relationship and said doctor has taken on the responsibility of taking care of the patient. Dereliction or failure to perform a duty, there must be some kind of proof that the doctor somehow neglected the doctor neglected the patient. Direct cause, there must be some kind of proof that what happened to the patient was a direct cause of how the doctor conducted himself or his failure to act which resulted in injury. Damages a patient must prove that harm was incurred by the direct result of the physicians actions.
Raise your hand if you are a parent. To all the parents that raised their hands, think back to the time you and your spouse were in the hospital room anxiously waiting for your unborn child to arrive. How happy were you when the nurse placed your baby into your arms? That feeling of seeing your healthy newborn baby for the first time is unexplainable, but how would you feel if your newborn was born prematurely or had birth defects?
The early foster system was established in the 1500s in order to care for children who were removed from their parents. Foster care was intended to be a short-term solution until the child is either adopted or reunited with their family. However, the average child will spend over two years waiting to be adopted. But the flaws in this system run much deeper from mental disorders all the way to human trafficking. human trafficking through the foster system is a dire problem that can not be neglected. Today i will be sharing with you through three points; the problem, the pressure( that these kids are under) and the promise(of a better future).
One of the problems with malpractice is that sometimes we have a hard time recognizing it. We may not know what exactly constitutes medical malpractice, or what qualifies as medical malpractice. Even worse, we often don't know what our course of action should
Medical malpractice lawsuits are an extremely serious topic and have affected numerous patients, doctors, and hospitals across the country. Medical malpractice is defined as “improper, unskilled or negligent treatment of a patient by a physician, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care professional” (Medical malpractice, n.d.). If a doctor acts negligent and causes harm to a patient, malpractice lawsuits arise. Negligence is the concept of the liability concerning claims of medical malpractice, making this type of litigation part of tort law. Tort law provides that one person may litigate negligence to recover damages for personal injury. Negligence laws are designed to deter careless behavior and also to
Hello, I am Jennifer Riley and I am a student from University of Maryland. I hope all is well. I am writing to you concerning the impact of head injuries on soccer players.
Child abuse is horrible and should prevented! No child should experience these horrors or have them thrust upon them. I will tell you about physical, emotional, and sexual abuse along with neglect. These are the most common forms of child abuse but I'm sure others are out there.