
Medical And Clinical Services For The National Health Service

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1. Introduction:
The healthcare employees are fundamental part of medical and clinical service these days. They are responsible for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Therefore, it is crucial to provide them with an appropriate training and professional development plan which will help to improve the service offered to patients. Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC) is a UK-wide initiative which was established in 2008 by the Department of Health (DH) led by the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) to address education and training needs to the whole healthcare workforce in the National Health Service (NHS) and associated bodies (MSC: The facts, 2013). Before MSC programme has been established healthcare science …show more content…

The main aim of MSC initiative was to ensure that all healthcare professionals will be able to respond to the upcoming advances and difficulties facing health and social care system as well as deliver high-quality services to patients and continue to play a major role in healthcare future (An overview of Modernising Scientific Careers, 2010). Therefore, this piece of work will concentrate mainly on evaluation of MSC programme and presentation of benefits for patients, medical professionals and their employers.
2. Aims of MSC programme and its implications:
The main aim of the MSC scheme is to deal with challenges within the healthcare science workforce in terms of education, skill differences and planning, by providing a clear framework of education and workforce development (MSC: The facts, 2013). Suitable education and professional development plan is essential for scientific workforce to provide best service to the patients. It also helps to ensure that all employees are directed into clear career pathways, education and training programmes in a common framework for the whole of the scientific workforce at all levels of practice (An overview of Modernising Scientific Careers, 2010). MSC has been structured in particular way so all training needs are clearly recognised for each specialism. The structure of scientific careers was designed into four main levels by MSC representatives as it is presented below in Table 1.

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