
How Is Media Violence Related To Violent Behavior

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TO WHAT EXTENT IS MEDIA VIOLENCE RELATED TO AGGRESSIVE AND VIOLENT BEHAVIOR? Essentials of Psychology May 28, 2013 Research project number 05020500 I have chosen to discuss the role that media violence plays in aggression in children, specifically as related to Albert Bandura’s experiments. I specifically chose this topic based on Bandura's observations with his famous Bobo doll study (which has been very influential to linking media exposure to violent aggressive behavior in children). In researching this paper, I hope to find an answer to satisfy my curiosity as to whether the media is to blame to the extent that Bandura would have us believe or are there other forces accountable. Is it logical to blame media for the …show more content…

Jeffery also believes that behaviors can be passed down from generation to generation, which may explain why children of abusers are likely to grow up to be abusers. His research shows that people do not react the same when witnessing a violent act and that while some may faint, others may vomit, or may have an increased heart rate (Jeffery, 1990: p.238). These are all biological responses which are ignored by the social learning theory (Jeffery, 1990: p.239). Was the Bobo doll study carried out in a uncompassionate manner or was it immoral? Camille Wortman and Elizabeth Loftus are among those who have argued that the children used in the Bobo doll experiment were "manipulated, teased, and became frustrated", they along with other critics of this study also charge that the experiment was unethical and morally wrong and implied the children were trained to become aggressive by allowing them to get agitated without any way to vent their frustration prior to letting them "play" with the Bobo doll. They also charge that as a result of the methods used in the Bobo doll experiment the children suffered from the effects long-term (Wortman & Loftus, p.45). If this is true, should the results of the Bobo doll study be considered flawed being that the outcome was manipulated? Is it possible that viewing aggressive acts on television could be a way for children to vent their frustrations without becoming physically

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