
Media Multitasking

Decent Essays

Media multitasking is defined as the use of two or more media devices at the same time (Melorose, Perroy, & Careas, 2015). Past research on the relationship between media multitasking and distraction is well-established. Researchers in this area supports the notion that media multitasking leads to classroom distractedness, which leads to lower performance (Becker, Alzahabi, & Hopwood, 2013; Ben-Shakhar & Sheffer, 2001; Ravizza, Hambrick, & Fenn; 2014).
Becker, Alzahabi, and Hopwood (2013), assume that distractions—usually presented in the form of multitasking—can lead to missed information. In the current landscape of multitasking and task performance literature, there is a clearly defined relationship between missed information and task performance.

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