
Essay about Media Coursework : Shrek

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Media Coursework: Shrek

In Yiddish, "Shrek" means fear. Shrek is a successful film and should be taken serious by critics because it is not just another film that is for children. The film has a large intake of digital animation and is currently at the end of filming history, and has a long list of different animating techniques. The film Shrek is a great deal better than all the films that have came in prior to it in several ways. An example of this would be the cartoon "Mortimer Mouse" (now know as "Mickey Mouse") which Disney launched back in nineteen twenty three, the animation techniques back then were very poor compared to today's high standards. The only explanation that I can think of why …show more content…

Throughout the film the camera uses zoom to focus on distant objects or to put emphasis on something in the background.

The music in Shrek is very upbeat and mutual for all ages. The music is dated back to the nineteen sixties with a group called the "Monkey's", and the song "I'm a believer", which is very catchy so children can sing along and enjoy it, where as adults can remember the good old days and still enjoy the song. There is also a song that is very recent "who let the dog's out". If you were to think the age gap of these songs would matter in the film, you would be wrong it doesn't matter because all the music is jumpy so we would sing along to it whilst watching.

Shrek does more then entertain its audience as the story can be watched on more then one level. The humor can be enjoyed by all ages for example when Shrek "farts" children will laugh at that. Where as adult humor would find the part when Shrek said, "do you think he's compensating for something?" The adult viewers would not just think that he is compensating for his height, like children would, but they would think that maybe Lord Faquaad is compensating for the size of his lower region, most adults would also know that most small men are very rude and

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