
Meaningful Relationships Research Paper

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Meaningful relationships are vital for your success in life. That doesn't equate to how many Facebook friends or Twitter followers you have but real, deep connections with other human beings. You don't have to make major changes to your personality, but these tips can help you deepen your relationships.

1. Make Time for Relationships
The first step to meaningful relationships is to connect with those you find interesting, and keep that connection over long distances. Take the time to chat over phone or Skype on occasion to deepen the friendships you have currently.

2. Release the Negativity
Nobody wants to be around anyone's negativity for very long. Try to be a shining light to be around instead of a stormy cloud on the horizon. People …show more content…

Whether it's a bad day or a crisis, if you're there for your friends, they'll remember that you're a good friend. Grab lunch with a friend who seems to be having a hard time. Even if you don't talk about his or her problems, you've laid the foundation for listening to them.

5. Connect Through Listening
Everyone wants to be heard. When you can lend an ear to a friend, you're deepening the connection. That doesn't mean you have to be a sounding board all the time without them reciprocating, though. When possible, they should return the favor. This brings us to the next point on the list.

6. Culling Friendships
There are those who will be toxic or takers who never seem to have time to listen to you in return. Those friendships should be dropped to make room for people who are worth your time and effort. There should always be give and take in your relationships with others.

7. Be Transparent in Your Needs
You can sit and be hurt that you didn't get your vague needs met, or you can ask close friends for exactly what you want. If you need an ear, let others know. You'd want them to do the same, so build a foundation for that kind of friendship by doing it first.

8. Help Colleagues or Friends Before They …show more content…

People will eventually stop reaching out to you. At some point, you'll have to be clear enough to respond to them even if it's been a hectic day. They'll also know they can count on you to respond at some point. That reliability makes you a trustworthy individual.

13. Calendar Reminders
All busy people have some way to remind themselves of important events. Whether yours is an email computer program, phone app, or some other combination of organizer, you should have calendar reminders set, so you remember to make time for friends and family.

14. Avoid Being “That Guy” (even if you're a woman)
Don't be the person who tries to change others. You can only change yourself. Avoid trying to deepen relationships too quickly through words or actions. They need to develop organically. Try not to be self-centered, or expect things that others can't possibly give you like emotional stability.

15. Avoid Judging Others
It's easy to judge others based on what you think they're about without getting to know them. Instead of judging others, learn to be tolerant and open to people who are not like you. You'll often find that you're more alike than you think.

16. Pick Activities with the People in

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