
Building Positive Relationships

Decent Essays

Introduction In today’s world, creating positive relationships can get you a long way in life. Whether that’s knowing someone that can help you get a job or getting into a good college. Breaking positive relationships can leave you with no one by your side when you are in need for help. “Relationships are built on integrity” (Ellis, 2014, p.109). So when you break a promise with your boyfriend your relationship may be strained (Ellis, 2014, p.109). Building positive relationships are not easy for most people. I am one of these people because I am not really a people person. I don’t feel comfortable talking to people if I don’t know them that well. This is one thing I need to work on to be successful in my future.
Powerful speaking is one good way to keep agreements or relationships. Think of this exercise as each level as one rung on a ladder (Ellis, 2014, p.109). The lowest rung on the ladder is obligation which means we feel passive and helpless to change anything (Ellis, 2014, p.109). For example, words that are used during this level may include I should, he out to, someone better, they need to, I must, and I had to (Ellis, 2104, p.109). “Note: When we move to the next rung, we leave behind obligation and advance to self-responsibility” (Ellis, 2014, p.109). This also occurs for the rest of the rungs. The next rung is possibility which means we examine new options at this level (Ellis, 2014, p.109). Phrases you might hear at this level is I might, I could,

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