
Mccandless Dialectical Journal

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Natalie Corral AP Lang Chapters 1-3 1. On page 6 the book expresses, “There was just no talking the guy out of it”. That specifies that McCandless was a very tenacious individual. Chris also seems to be very self-confident; he says “I won’t run into anything I can’t deal with on my own.” However, self-confidence wouldn’t be this that could be considered arrogance 2.In my perspective, it seems as if he could not accept any kind of authority, on page six he explains, “How I feed is none of the governments business. Fuck their stupid rules.” and that included his parents. McCandless saw society as a penitentiary, where all he could do was follow the guidelines given to him by those authorities and he wanted to break free of that. Chapters 4-5 …show more content…

“Plastic people” are the people McCandless left behind in Bullhead. I think Chris considered everything superficial. An example would be the graciousness of the people he worked with in Bullhead. On page 41, “They started asking him if he needed some soap or anything. That made him mad-you could tell.” It shows how he hated their behavior, however there was the rule that he had to wear sock. On page 40, “The first thing he’d do is peel those socks off.” I do believe that superficial behavior is “plastic” as and that things that screen your involvement are not really necessary. Undersized, I think he was a little bit too …show more content…

On page 64, “A big tractor-semitrailer rig was idling out front; Rod Wolf, one of Westerberg’s employees, -- and had agreed to drive McCandless to Interstate 94.” McCandless chooses to drive in a tractor and then get dropped off in the middle of the North Dakotan Interstate. On page 68, “Arrived in Whitefish this morning on a freight train.” McCandless does in fact live by his own words. He got to Alaska by jumping trains and hitchhiking Chapters 10-11 1. Both Walt and Chris liked to “call the shots”. On page 105 “Taking control is something Walt does automatically, reflexively.” Both Father and son want to control their own lives and they don’t like to be told what to do. Both of them were extremely smart. On page 105, “Colleagues refer to Walt as brilliant” and on page 106, Chris “came into this world with unusual gifts”. 2. On page 107, “He could be alone without being lonely.” Chris adored being alone, away from other people. It seems rational that this attitude was a basis of his later journey where he was unaccompanied for months. On page 109 “Chris was fearless even when he was little.” Chris wouldn’t have lived alone in the Alaskan wilderness for that long if he was frightened. At the end his behavior was the resolute by a lot of factors, but his fearlessness was definitely one of them. Chapters 12

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