
Mayo Clinic Anorexia Nervosa

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According to Mayo clinic anorexia, Nervosa is an eating disorder with a serious condition related to persistent eating behaviors that negatively impact your health, your emotions and your ability to function in important areas-a lack or a loss of appetite in food. Those who suffer from this illness undergo mild to severe symptoms, emotional and behavior, as well as psychological changes.
Anorexia nervosa is a deadly disease in which any one, at any age or any time in their life can develop. Mayo clinic says “it is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of body weight.” This compulsive disorder brings symptoms that are developed and can be minor to even death …show more content…

When the person is restricted, they show behaviors in which they loose weight by restricting the food intake, like the calories and the “purging type” shed pounds through vomiting after food intake or consuming laxatives. ( They become accustomed to skipping meals, making up any type of excuse for not eating, and frequent weighing and measuring to see if they have lost any weight yet. They have an uncontrollable behavior to always be checking their weight. The five main types of behavior and lifestyle changes are “dieting despite being thin, obsession with calories, fat grams, and nutrition, pretending to eat or lying about eating, a preoccupation with food, and strange or secretive food rituals” ( As well, develop a behavior of looking at their reflection of themselves through a mirror. In addition, some emotional changes include lack of emotions, reduced desire of sex, social withdrawal, depression, and thoughts of suicide.(The National Institute of Mental …show more content…

“Anorexia isn't really about food. It's an unhealthy way to try to cope with emotional problems. When you have anorexia, you often equate thinness with self-worth.” (Mayo clinic). They are usually in denial of their illness and have a psychological problem in which they think of themselves as overweight and obese but they believe this because they think they are perfectionist and need to have the perfect image or if they don’t they are worthless, never being satisfied with their weight ( In addition, it is believed that causes of anorexia nervosa are correlated with “family and social pressures” ( In addition, they are blind by this illness and are unable to see their true self, blinding them to see the problem that has emerged, in which leads to denial of there being an eating disorder. “Thoughts about dieting, food, and your body may take up most of your day—leaving little time for friends, family, and other activities you used to enjoy. Life becomes a relentless pursuit of thinness and going to extremes to lose weight.” ( are forced to withdraw from friends, family, and normal activities, which also leads to depression. Some of their thoughts come from society that focuses on the perfect image and the way someone should look that contributes to their illness and their obsession of being a certain

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