
Mauling, Escapes And Abuse: Article Analysis

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Zoos and aquariums neglect proper care and treatment for animals. In the article, Mauling, Escapes and Abuse: six small zoos, 80 sick or dead animals, Over the past decade, more than 80 animals have died, been injured or become ill because of neglect at the zoos, and more than 200 others were kept in inhumane conditions, according to hundreds of pages of federal inspection reports, interviews with keepers and court documents (Jouvenal 1). This clarifies that because six small zoos neglect proper care and treatment for animals, there are now dozens dead, injured, or kept in inhuman conditions.. The article also states, “ That keepers with no experience or little experience were asked to care for sick animals and even manage birth,”(Jovenal 2).

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