
Matt Ottley's Requiem For A Beast

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As a nation, Australia in both a contemporary and historical sense shows a wide kaleidoscope of values and attitudes. Through Matt Ottley’s multimodal narrative Requiem for a Beast, these values and attitudes are prominently demonstrated through its mode and medium. The abhorrent, but still prevalent event of the Stolen Generation plays an immense role in both the values and attitudes that contemporary Australia is known for. As a large portion of this narrative is based on the impact it had on the Indigenous both at the time and to this day, this narrative is told through the perspective of three separate individuals: An Aboriginal Elder, a young boy, and a narrator. Between 1905 and 1969 Australia was known as the first nation to attempt in breeding out an entire race, and this began the legacy that the Australian government was known for. …show more content…

Around this time and to this day, cattle was constantly being brought in and out of farms being sorted and shipped day by day. This shows that the Australians valued being in charge and all was fine until this habitual attitude was forcefully introduced into the culture. This began the era of the stolen generation hence introducing the value of cultural superiority, following with the attitude of conforming an entire race. They also valued masculinity in men, hence the stockman was born, creating this masculine role model figure that young boys would look up to and aspire to be. And because they valued this, they completely disregarded anyone who couldn’t meet this standard. Finally, around this time conformity began to stir within themselves, so instead of confronting their issues. They were swept under the carpet for nobody to know, aside from

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