
Mat 540 Quiz

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For binary attributes support is an important measure used in validating association rules generated as well as in defining other interestingness measures. In Boolean transactions item can be either present or absent, hence support count is defined as \\ Definition 1: (Support Count of Itemset A): The occurrence frequency of an itemset A, i.e. the number of transactions in the dataset D containing the itemset $ n_{A}$ is known as support-count or absolute support of the itemset A. \\ Definition 2: (Support-Count of Rule $ A\to B $): The occurrence frequency of a rule $ A\to B $, i.e. the number of transactions in the dataset D containing both A and B ($n_{AB}$) known as support …show more content…

For a rule $ A\to B $, Support $ A\to B $ = $\frac{Support-Count (A)}{\left | D \right |}=\frac{n_{AB}}{n}$\\ The support definitions have been extended to fuzzy association rule by making use of t- norm and t-conorm operators as discussed above.\\ Definition 6: (Fuzzy Association Rule): For any Fuzzy or linguistic attribute A, let $ \{T _{A}^{1},T _{A}^{2},T _{A}^{3}, . . .T _{A}^{m}\}$ denote the Term set with m linguistic variables and $ \{F _{A}^{1},T _{A}^{2},F _{A}^{3}, . . .F _{A}^{m }\}$ be the corresponding Fuzzy sets defined by the membership function $ \{\mu _{A}^{1},\mu _{A}^{2},\mu _{A}^{3}, . . .\mu _{A}^{m}\}$. The implication of the form $\left ( A,{T_{i}^{A}} \right )\rightarrow \left ( B,{T_{j}^{B}} \right )$ or $A\epsilon {F_{i}^{A}},B\epsilon {F_{j}^{B}}$ is a Fuzzy Association Rule.\\ Definition 7: (Fuzzy Support-Count): For a dataset D with n transactions and any Fuzzy linguistic attribute A, the support count of attribute term set pair (A,$T_i^A$) is defined as follows \\

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