
Martin Luther's Nine-Five Theses Essay

Decent Essays

Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses Martin Luther was and monk from Germany in the early 1500s. He came up with the ninety-five theses. Basically, all the ninety-five theses were was a list of problems Luther had with the doctrines of the Catholic Church. Luther came up with the list that condemned the Catholic Church because he was frustrated with how the Catholic Church’s teachings were incorrect. He used the printing press to print his list and spread the church’s flaws to the public easier. Martin Luther opened the gate for many other protestant minded Christians by standing up for his beliefs. His opinions began the era later known as the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther was very angry how the Catholic Church did not teach from the Bible. The church would twist the scripture so they would get more profit from the congregation. An example of this is indulgences. An indulgence is when someone would give money or gifts to the Church to ensure eternal salvation. However, that is contradictory to John 3:16 which states that all that is needed to go to Heaven is belief in Jesus Christ. The Catholics had an inaccurate concept of salvation. Luther encouraged Christians to not follow the teachings of the Catholic Church but to follow Christ instead. …show more content…

Along with indulgences, the church would often find ways to force the people to pay fines. If the Church told someone to do something but it was not done exactly how they wanted it, a fine would have to be paid or the person would be sent to prison. Luther did not agree with how the Church was overly wealthy and sought ways to get more money out of the members of the church. At the time, Pope Leo X was having money raised to fund the renovation of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Luther disagreed with the Pope’s efforts to collect money from poor believers instead of the wealthy church paying for the renovation

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