
Martin Frankl Case

Decent Essays


Many people in society are unsure on what white collar crime actually is. There are different opinions on what white collar crime should be defined as. A strong definition would be any violation of criminal, civil or regulatory laws or unethical actions committed in the course of one’s occupation. These individuals are usually very respectable in society and have “high-status”. White collar crime is much larger than your traditional street crime: It harms a larger pool of people and can go on for many years under the radar d. Mr. Martin Frankel is a prime example of career white collar criminal. He piloted a series of investment frauds during the late 20th century causing hundreds of millions of dollars in losses. …show more content…

This scandal result in losses of $200 million. According to a nytimes article in 1999, insurance experts said that the damages could continue to spread while more evidence comes forward. Even insurance companies that had nothing to do with Martin Frankel suffered financially. These companies are victims because some of them were forced into bankruptcy. Even the companies that were not directly hurt by the fraud suffered losses just from being in the market. Once the public heard about this major scandal, no one wanted to invest in the …show more content…

Frankel pleaded guilty to 24 counts of securities fraud, wire fraud, racketeering and racketeering conspiracy. John Hackney was sentenced for four years in prison in 2000 for his involvement in the fraud. It was originally a 16 year sentence but since he was providing substantial information that helped convict Frankel he received a reduction. He was charged with racketeering conspiracy and money laundering. Sonia Schulte was charged with racketeering and money-laundering. Frankel’s bodyguard, David Rosse, was also charged along with many of his other

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