
The Portrayal Of White Collar Crime In The Media

Decent Essays

The media portrays crime as something the general public should be worried about. When the media portrays crime they focus on violent acts of crime. However, there are more harmful ways that people are breaking the law without even touching anyone. White collar crimes are crimes that are financially motivated and are committed by people who already possess money and, in most cases, power. The type of people who commit white collar crimes are not college students or gang affiliated minorities, but business professionals and people who hold significant political power. We rarely see white collar crime in the news because these professionals have access to concealment and bail money. White collar crimes are legitimate crimes and can possibly be worse than violent crimes done in the streets. …show more content…

Most of the crimes committed in this area are drug committed in this area are drug or violence related. It is very rare to find someone in my type of community which is mostly low income minority people comminiting white collar crimes. One reason why is being most people don't even have access to a white collar job. Also, people don't have the resources to commit crimes of that proportion. I also find it interesting how these white collar crimes are usually punishable by smaller amounts of times as opposed to the smaller level crimes that people are committing in these low income communities. This topic also reminds me of the scandal that first introduced me to white collar crimes, the biggest Ponzi scheme by Bernie Madoff. I believe that this crime informed a lot of people, not only the victims about white collar crimes and scandals in the business

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