
Marriage And Divorce Summary

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The main premise of this book is to counter and disprove the common held beliefs in our society about marriage and divorce. Shaunti Feldhahn started this goal in 2006 when she was writing on one of her newspaper columns and decided to reference the divorce rate. However, she quickly became perplex with the numerous sources claiming differing rates and enlisted the help of her then researcher assistant, Tally Whitehead. After many hours, Feldhahn and Whitehead opted to call an expert on marriage and divorce in order to finally acquire the answers they craved. To their surprise, the expert had no answer for them. This is because there is no exact divorce rate. The divorce rate is constructed on multiple subcategories that can be calculated and …show more content…

It discourages them into believing that marriage is not worth the time and effort as it would just cause pain and disappointment. This forms seeds of doubt in those that are in long-term relationships and prevents them into fully trusting the relationship. It also can cause the significance of marriage to lessen as people may assume 50% of marriages are doomed so they might as well not fight for something they believe might end. This makes divorce seem to be more acceptable for them because people have this notion that in today’s world divorce is common and frequent, which simply is not true. (pp. 3-9, …show more content…

For example, if a couple got married in their early twenties, they would have a greater risk of divorce compared to a couple whom got married in their mid-twenties. Another factor involves college education. This factor plays with the age factor, since most individuals who pursue a college education tend to wait until they have graduated and are more willing to stick with the marriage. In just the college education factor alone, the divorce rates lower 17%. Other factors that are more lifestyle choices includes church attendance. The mere act of attending church lowers the divorce rate by 50% compared to those who do not, according to Brad Wilcox’s study. The connection between religion and the divorce rate is possibly due to the ability to leave issues to God and trust in Him to take control of it. This typically is shown to lessen stress. Religion is so influential towards the divorce rate because when couples believe that God is in the center of their marriage, 53% of the couples are at the highest possible level of happiness. (pp. 28-30, 63-64, 69-72,

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