
Marketing Department : Marketing Director Essay

Decent Essays

Last summer I worked for a local hospital in there marketing department. I interviewed in early November and had the job by the end of February. The internship started in the summer and ended right before school would begin again in August. I would be working directly under the marketing director, helping wherever I was needed. The director interviewed me and had given me the job, then took a new position at a different place of business. She had e-mailed me in early April to tell me that she would be leaving. She then assured me the hospital was looking for someone and would be in touch with me soon. When I arrived in May they hospital had just hired a replacement and we were going to be trained at the same time.
I have actually written two letters. One to the human resources director that trained me for the first two weeks, and one to the marketing director that trained me for the rest of the summer. Each put me through a training program that fit the job description of each. A training program is to give the new employee the first tools to be successful in a position (Fisk et al., 2013). Each program was different and helped guide some skills I would need for the internship. Each director is analyzed on what is well done and what wasn’t.
To the Human Resources Director
Dear Human Resources Director,

I would first like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work at this facility. I would also like to thank you for making me feel so welcome. I learned

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