Imagine a place where diseases such as cancer could be cured. A place where cancer wouldn’t be a problem in today’s society. You are probably thinking what is this cure and why aren’t using this cure for our society right now. The reason is because this cure is a compound that contains an illegal drug. That illegal drug in the compound is marijuana. Because of the fact that marijuana is a illegal drug, we cannot use its compound form of it to cure cancer because it is not legal to use. However, if marijuana was legal we could use it to save many people’s lives. That is why marijuana should be legal. Marijuana should be legal for medical purposes.
Marijuana should be legal for medical purposes also because it can be used to save many lives. has stated in their marijuana slide article that there is a marijuana compound that causes cancer cells in patients to
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The community Anti-Drug coalitions of America has stated in their article at that ‘marijuana is a extremely abusive drug and can cause major damage to our youth with their development at a very young age, especially with their memory, learning and emotional skills’. Although this is true, has stated in their facts about marijuana article that ‘Only about nine percent of marijuana users become clinically dependent’. This means that most people who had smoked marijuana do not become addicted to it because, of the use of it. has also stated that ‘Use of marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacoo’.Furthermore this also means that using marijuana or smoking it is less harmful than smoking your everyday cigarette and is less harmful than you consuming alcoholic beverages. So marijuana at the end result is safer than smoking or consuming alcohol and it has a small chance of abuse if
In November, Jeanette Bokland was diagnosed with breast cancer. She tried to treat it but she couldn’t. One of her friends offered her medical marijuana and she said yes. She didn’t smoke the marijuana, she ate it. It took away her nausea, severe restlessness, and anxiety. It allowed her to eat. It made her feel halfway normal. She called it “a miracle drug.” These 3 people are just examples on why I think marijuana should be a medical option.
The two main cannabinoids in Cannabis are THC and CBD and both have been scientifically proven as well as FDA approved to provide several medical benefits that assist in the argument in legalizing medical marijuana. According to an article on, “THC increases appetite and reduces nausea and may also decrease pain, inflammation, and muscle control problems. CBD is a cannabinoid that may be useful in reducing pain and inflammation, controlling epileptic seizures, and possibly even treating mental illness and addictions.” These two main cannabinoids have been proven to provide patients with several medical benefits that other drugs cannot provide and that may not be safe or have safe side-effects. Since medical marijuana has so many medical benefits that it can provide as a benefit to so many patients, including cancer patients, by killing certain cancer cells and slowing its growth down then it would only be fair to legalize it throughout the United States for the sake of every patient’s health ( As stated before, medical marijuana is also a safer alternative to a variety of other drugs which is another reason as to why it should be
Should there be a national legalization of marijuana as a prescription and clinical drug for medicinal treatment? Imagine a loved one lying in bed at a hospital and have just undergone chemotherapy for their cancer treatment. Side effects of chemotherapy have begun and that individual cannot stop from constantly vomiting. Every type of medication prescribed by the doctor has absolutely no effect in relieving the unbearable pain of nausea and headache. The news of medical marijuana as a treatment and pain reliever is nothing new. Patients in other states and countries describe marijuana as the only drug that has a treatment advantage over prescription and medicinal drugs. It may be the only option to
Marijuana should be a medicinal option because it relieves major chronic pain to many symptoms. According to the Herald Editorial board, Marijuana shows a great impact on pain, “from a widespread number of causes, including cancer, spinal cord injury and disease, severe spasms, post-traumatic stress disorder, nausea, glaucoma, Parkinson’s and other debilitating ailments.” This drug is useful, as patients at times cannot use certain drug due to allergies or other complications. Marijuana helps elevated those who suffer severe pain that other drugs cannot, but doctors still prescribe stronger and more addictive opiates that are legal. If marijuana was a legal drug for the purpose of medication, marijuana can potentially save lives. Marijuana should be prescribed as there are fewer side effects compared to the drugs prescribed by doctors. Why would the government not allow doctors to prescribe patients with extreme health issues that can potentially help elevate their pain. There are individuals who suffer from epilepsy, epilepsy is a condition that causes nerve cell activity to disturb the brain. At times individuals can have up to 10 seizures a day, at any given moment. Having 10 seizures a day at random times makes it difficult for them to go on with their day, but marijuana can decrease the amount seizures into one day. It’s remarkable on how marijuana can reduce the amount of seizures an epileptic person has. Marijuana needs to be an option for medical purposes for the amount of benefits it provides.
tell you the other side of the story. Marijuana is said to be useful in the
Marijuana has been in the news lately since two states, Colorado and Washington, have voted to legalize recreational marijuana. Currently they are the only two states to legalize recreational marijuana. Twenty states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. Iowa, at this time, has decided not to legalize medical marijuana in spite of many Iowa citizens advocating for the legalization of the drug. Iowa is taking a cautious approach to medical marijuana. Medical marijuana has been proven to help with seizures, pain management, nausea and improve the quality of life of people with certain medical issues. Regulation of medical marijuana will keep the drug safe by overseeing the growing and sale of the drug and
As professional Cannabaristas® we make sure to handle cannabis in a way that ensures every customer consistently receives top quality product. What are the rules we follow? They are simple, really. But let’s start with what not to do.
The following is a proposal for a public policy that would legalize marijuana and have the drug be treated as alcohol. This is necessary because the current policy is detrimental to society and the legalization of marijuana would be beneficial. The prohibition of the drug is unfounded because tobacco and alcohol, legalized substances, are more dangerous than marijuana. Also, the legislation regarding the drug was created on racist sentiments, reducing the law’s credibility. The current policy also creates a dangerous black market and renders our prison system ineffective. The legalization of cannabis would bring undeniable medical and economic benefits to society and the government. Varying degrees of marijuana legalization have
Marijuana is a very controversial and obtrusive issue in our society today. Although politicians and people have made malicious remarks about it in the past, and even still in the present, the historical truth and beneficial facts of marijuana are finally resurfacing. Unfortunately, our society has become a very critical crowd towards the legalization of marijuana due to the stereotypical view of the kind of people who are considered “pot smokers.” This contorted perception of a lazy and unmotivated America is the logic behind keeping marijuana illegal and therefore unattainable to our citizens. The legalization of marijuana would be tremendously beneficial to all types of cancer patients because it helps with pain management, its cost efficient, and there have been numerous successful case studies.
marijuana, that can help in such cases, but many patients complain that it is a
My best friend used to smoke marijuana on a regular basis. Over time, he developed many obvious bad habits and changed his life style tremendously. He started getting lazy with schoolwork, and did not show much interest in anything at all. His parents noticed all these side effects that had been occurring but were unaware that their son smoked marijuana. After the grades fell so much, they decided to take him to get checked out because they were afraid he had developed some sort of ADD. They come to find out that because of him smoking so much marijuana it had led to brain problems, memory problems and affected his thinking skills. He was unable to stay concentrated on something and constantly was out of breath when any physical activity
Marijuana should not be a medical option for three reasons: smoking marijuana contains a powerful potential for abuse, using marijuana for the purpose of medicine has never been shown to be as successful or beneficial as a medicine, and marijuana is terrible and damaging to your body.
Medical marijuana brings many benefits to the medical community and should be legalized. Medical marijuana also known as medical cannabis, brings relief too many people with multiple different types of diseases. One major benefit of marijuana being such a good relief medicine is that it is not addictive. Medical marijuana would also be very easy to regulate and bring many economic benefits to our country.
Most people do not know that a marijuana-derived compound prevents cancer cells from growing and spreading. Despite many individuals using marijuana for recreational purposes, it has been an extremely helpful drug for medicinal purposes for centuries. Marijuana should be legal for medical purposes due to the studies that have shown that it can treat a wide range of medical complications.
Marijuana should be legalized because it can help researchers explore the drug for medical purposes such as cancer and other diseases where there are not as many beneficial treatments for those diseases. Cancer is a disease that is caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. Millions of people are diagnosed with this deadly disease daily. There are some treatments that help patients fight off cancer which includes chemotherapy.The most common side effect of