
Marijuana Should Be Legal Essay

Decent Essays

Imagine a place where diseases such as cancer could be cured. A place where cancer wouldn’t be a problem in today’s society. You are probably thinking what is this cure and why aren’t using this cure for our society right now. The reason is because this cure is a compound that contains an illegal drug. That illegal drug in the compound is marijuana. Because of the fact that marijuana is a illegal drug, we cannot use its compound form of it to cure cancer because it is not legal to use. However, if marijuana was legal we could use it to save many people’s lives. That is why marijuana should be legal. Marijuana should be legal for medical purposes.

Marijuana should be legal for medical purposes also because it can be used to save many lives. has stated in their marijuana slide article that there is a marijuana compound that causes cancer cells in patients to …show more content…

The community Anti-Drug coalitions of America has stated in their article at that ‘marijuana is a extremely abusive drug and can cause major damage to our youth with their development at a very young age, especially with their memory, learning and emotional skills’. Although this is true, has stated in their facts about marijuana article that ‘Only about nine percent of marijuana users become clinically dependent’. This means that most people who had smoked marijuana do not become addicted to it because, of the use of it. has also stated that ‘Use of marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacoo’.Furthermore this also means that using marijuana or smoking it is less harmful than smoking your everyday cigarette and is less harmful than you consuming alcoholic beverages. So marijuana at the end result is safer than smoking or consuming alcohol and it has a small chance of abuse if

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