
Rick Simpson Medicine

Decent Essays

A man named Rick Simpson claims that he made his own medicine that treated his skin cancer. He cured himself and many other people with skin cancer by using his cannabis oil. He made a documentary “Run From The Cure.”
Shona Banda suffered Crohn’s disease for eight years. Shona watched Rick Simpson’s video and decided to try that on herself. She is now considered cure and she has a normal life. She wrote a book “Live Free or Die.” It is about the marijuana and how it saved her life.
In November, Jeanette Bokland was diagnosed with breast cancer. She tried to treat it but she couldn’t. One of her friends offered her medical marijuana and she said yes. She didn’t smoke the marijuana, she ate it. It took away her nausea, severe restlessness, and anxiety. It allowed her to eat. It made her feel halfway normal. She called it “a miracle drug.” These 3 people are just examples on why I think marijuana should be a medical option. …show more content…

“Marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day.” Research says that marijuana is safe and an effective medicine for controlling nausea. It reduces the eye pressure with glaucoma and also reduces muscle spasms.
Marijuana has been used as a medicine for more than 3,000 years. Research shows that marijuana has been used back to ancient civilizations in China, India, and Egypt. A book written by Chinese Emperor Shennung describes that marijuana can treat constipation, gout, rheumatism and

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