
Verizon Service Environments

Better Essays

Manufacturing and Service Environments
Verizon Wireless services flow
Service requirement User certification Problem record Hardware problem E.U. C.S REC S.P. Services provider
E.U.: End user
C.S.: Customer service
REC: Recorder
S.P.: Service provider
Elements of infrastructure in the Verizon Wireless Company process services flow The ends user forms the first element of the flow chart. He identifies a need, for assistance in the offering of the NFL network (Kaplan & Atkinson 2015). Customer service then acknowledges the request made by the end user (Stickdorn & Schwarzenberger 2016), which is then listed in the systems contact log by the customer service agent. This request is …show more content…

2013). The store’s manager then puts the packaged shoes in a store awaiting distribution.
Summary of comparisons
Differences between manufacturing environment and the services environment
Manifestation of the output In the manufacturing company of Wrangler Jeans (manufacturing environment), the output is better described as goods. These goods have a tangible sense to them. These goods to a consumer can be felt, seen, touched and manipulated as desired. However, with the services environment consumers are more of an intangible product offered. Plainly put these explanations give us the distinct difference between these two environments with regards to how the consumer is able to see these products. As an example with these companies Wrangler Jeans manufacturers pants that are worn by a consumer, whereas Verizon provides services for consumers including television and cell service.
Within the manufacturing industry in general most organizations, not using Just in time inventory (JIT), have inventory in stores, warehouses etc for consumers to purchase. The amount of inventory held relies on areas such as demand, cash flow and even company requirements or policies dictating the requirement. Conversely, within the service industry there is again no tangible inventory as consumers are able to receive their service without ever touching it. They are provided the services paid for when the customer purchases them.
Customer Needs

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