
Man's Search For Meaning By Viktor E. Frankl

Decent Essays

In the book Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl, he uses his past experiences from different concentration camps to describe what he learned was the true meaning of life. Throughout the book he describes in details that he had no hope for life as he felt pain, humility, and human cruelty during his time as a prisoner in multiple concentration camps. Frankl, believed that he had a chance to survive by using inner strengths. His great sense of humor helped him get though the many difficult situations that he had encountered. He supposed that “what doesn’t kill you makes your stronger.” Frankl separated himself from the rest of the prisoners. His determination to survive, and his vision to see beyond the cruelty differed him from the others. His …show more content…

His fate carried him along away. No one knew it if really was a rest camp, or if it was a gas chamber. He told his friend Otto, “If I don’t get back home to my wife, and if you should see her again, then tell her that I talked of her daily, hourly.” His passion to see his wife again, drove him into wanting to go to the rest camp. When he arrived, so called rest camp turned out to really be a rest camp. Fate played a major role in Frankl survival. Frankl accepted his fate, and all the sufferings that he has been through, which gave him hope. During his time in the concentration camps he learned if a person didn’t have hope that, that person was gone forever. He stated that the prisoners had saw themselves completely depended on the moods of the guards. How they acted was based on how the guards acted. Frankl tried motivating, and uplifting other prisoners hope. During his time in the concentration camps he learned that guards were people who had to take orders, and give orders. They were just as equal as them, prisoners to the warrant. If they didn’t do their jobs they were killed and treated no better than the

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