
Mandatory Military Draft Essay

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After World War two the draft was no longer a option for the American Army. Compulsory conscription is today’s version of the draft, and the draft played a large part in World War two. Over seventy percent of men that were the between the ages of 18 and 35 were in the army and because of all the time they spent together and their similar ages many of these guys became lifelong friends. Since world war two the only tragedy that has brought our people together as a nation was the 9/11 terrorists attacks. The difference between todays army and the traditional army is the participation. The united states population is approxaimentaly 301 million people and 30 million of those people are veterans. That means veterans make up less than ten percent …show more content…

It is also belived that kids who are fortunate to afford school would use college as a excuse to defer the draft, therefore the draft only affects the less fortunate. The most recent census shows that only six college students enlisted into the army. The wealthy members of society are able to pay off the draft or move outside of the draft boundaries. Political officials and leaders children continually decrease in their presence in our country’s military services. The most recent deaths in the army have been children of the less fortunate classes of our society. The exemption of the upper class if a draft system was re-implemented definitely is a major concern. Even though this is a concern, the compulsory conviction bill would take the place of the selective service law and would force all women ane men between the ages of 18-26 to be responsible for their military actions assigned to them. The bill gives the president the power to select how many people they should draft and how they will select the people. The theory is that if this bill is passed it will make the government put longer thought into deploying troops and would also force the united states be unified and grieve

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