
Managing and Leading Telecommuters in the 21st Century

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Managing and Leading Telecommuters in the 21rst Century

Introduction and Literature Review

Given the escalating costs of managing facilities, increase in fuel costs, and high cost of recruiting the specific types of professionals to work in a given geographic area, telecommuting has become a viable alternative for any organization today. No longer having to invest heavily in a large corporate facility, be forced to recruit only from a given geographic region, or incur the very high fuel costs of many regional offices, organizations are opting for telecommuting work strategies. This approach to organizing a work force is considered by thought leaders in human resources to be the single greatest factor affecting the long-term nature of organizational structure and job satisfaction (Smith, 2005). The U.S. Office of Personnel Management has defined telecommuting as the use of telecommunications technology to enable global workforces to collaborate and communicate, forcing a change in the policies, organizational structures and strategic resource planning of enterprise globally (U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1997). This approach to organizing a workforce is resonating with high-growth companies who need to gain access to expertise far outside the geographic boundaries of their companies. There is ample enthusiasm on the part of workers in these and many companies for this concept, as it is seen as liberating and fertile with freedom for workers to pursue the best

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