
Managing The Perfectionist In You Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Tips for Managing the Perfectionist in You
By Patrick Smyth | Submitted On December 01, 2014

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Expert Author Patrick Smyth
If you find yourself stuck in your writing by searching for the perfect idea, phrase, descriptive language, action sequence or grammatically correct prose, you may be a perfectionist. Producing high quality text that engages and captivates the reader should be the goal of every writer. Perfectionists …show more content…

That is where the balancing act comes in to play. Ultimately, it makes no sense to attempt to produce a perfect work if nobody is going to read it. Let the reader become the judge of what is perfect after they read your book.

The first important point is to stop procrastinating, idly tapping your computer mouse as you wait for perfection to arrive. Write down whatever you first thought of writing and just keep writing. Ignore the grammar, style and word choices as you write and save that work for later editing. Flow the creativity through your pen or fingertips, into your writing, and don't keep it solely in your head. Learning to be a good writer takes practice, as with any other discipline. Attempting to be perfect without practice is simply dreaming.

When you finally start the editing phase, be prepared to rewrite several sections of the work and plan on multiple rounds of editing. Don't let this frustrate you. Instead, take time away from the book and you'll find each time you return to it you will have a fresh perspective and the work will improve greatly. Have other people look over excerpts of the work to give you feedback. You may find that their view of perfection and yours don't match, and that's a good thing. Either they will give you constructive suggestions to improve it, or they will tell you it is great in spite of your tendency to want to keep on

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