
Managing Technology

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Managing Technology
Technology, Information Technology included, have changed our lives in so many ways. It changed how we recorded our thoughts into written words, how we communicate with one another, how we shop, bank, how we keep our memories, most aspect of our lives. It significantly changed the manufacture industry and touched almost every single industry.
The first computer was invented in 1939 by Hewlett-Packard in a garage in Palo Alto, California. It was mostly used in military/government and universities/science lab. It took 40+ years for the first personal computer to be created by IBM (1981). The first personal computer (PC) ran on a 4.77 Mhz Intel 8088 microprocessor [1]. After that computer world has advanced …show more content…

Converged infrastructure is semi-pre-built, preconfigured using reference architecture. It is like cookie cutter. It not just saves power and datacenter space, but also save time to rack and stack, cable, and configure each component. Since it comes as one unit, it also offers one management console to manage all three components, hence save time on managing all three components.
Information Technology (IT) increases productivities, enables many capabilities to businesses such as online store, work from anywhere, but not without some significant cost. The cost of IT is like an iceberg. The cost of acquiring new software, hardware, and IT personnel are just the top of the iceberg. What hidden are the costs of managing those assets, including but not limit to, securing, upgrading, refreshing those assets, and how to quickly implement changes to adapt to the changes of hardware and software.
At the height of its success in camera film business, Kodak employed 140,000 employees and had a market value of $28 billion. Kodak filed bankruptcy (chapter 11) in 2012 after years of struggling to restructure to adapt to an increasing digital world. Kodak failed not because it missed the digital age. It actually created the first digital camera in 1975. It failed because instead of marketing the new technology, the company held back for fear of hurting its own cash cow film business, even well after digital products were reshaping the market [4]. Digital world

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