
Management of Pain Analysis

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Throughout my life, I have undergone many dental operations, giving me first hand experience on post-operative pain and it’s management. After being exposed to long term care settings for clinical, I would like to take this opportunity to increase my knowledge on a topic that, besides my own personal experiences, I have not been heavily exposed to in a learning environment. Pain, defined in Kozier et al. (2014) as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage” (p. 739), is inevitable to some degree after surgery; making its management a crucial for a healthy recovery. The recommendations within both the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario’s (RNAO) (2013) Best Practice Guideline …show more content…

Finally, evaluating the effectiveness of the interventions ties the entire nursing process together. The nurse can continue interventions that are successfully relieving pain and modify those that are not. (RNAO, 2013). For example, asking the client to rate the severity of their pain using the Numerical Pain Scale would lead to administration of pain medication; their pain is then reassessed at the medications peak time to see if it lessened the pains intensity. Following evidence based clinical guidelines, provides the nurse with the steps needed to managed pain. Not only is the pain management itself important, but the client and family education relating to it is as well. “”. Client and family education throughout this process increases the effectiveness of pain management by discussing any concerns or misbeliefs. This may include anxiety of experiencing pain, feeling that asking for pain medication will bother the nurse or even fear of addiction. Education reassures the client that communicating pain is good. They should also be educated on the benefits and potential downsides to pain interventions to increases their understanding. Education also promotes family involvement by increasing their ability to provide supper and monitor their loved ones more effectively after discharge (RNAO, 2014). Knowledge improves the overall process for clients and their family. The nurse must be knowledgeable in the

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