
Maisy Rika Meaning

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Nia by Maisey Rika is about the tragic ending to the short life of three-year-old Nia Glassey. The songs talks about the anger that flooded the nation of the torturous mistreatment of the baby. Nia was brutalized and murdered at the hands of family members. Maisey Rika composed this beautiful song to express her anger and the anger of our nation. The lyrics send shivers down your spine as you feel every word that is being sung. Nia’s story is not a happily ever after, but this song gives a small amount of closure.

When I first heard this song I was only 10 years old. The song surged through me and left me in tears. Being only a kid myself my parents did not want to give us details of what happened to Nia the baby. Though I had only heard whispers about the baby I immediately knew that Maisey was a force to be reckoned with, her anger passed through to everyone who listened. I still get that feeling every time I listen to this song. …show more content…

These specific lyrics are to re enforce the fact that she was only a baby and was not old enough or strong enough to fight back. Her only defense mechanism was to cry in hopes that the monsters would stop attacking her. But they did not. Another segment that was powerful was the lyrics “On eagle’s wings” this is a reference to the bible in which it indicates that the wings belong to a single eagle, which is a metaphor to god. Meaning that she will be flying high with god. This specific line which quotes the bible is almost ironic as one of the commandments is “thou shall not hurt thou neighbor” but its almost like they are saying “but in your home its fine, hurt your family

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