
Magnapsoles Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

In an age of rising consumerism, consumers are engulfed in their gullibility and fall into the scheme of false marketers. As a result, in the 1999 publication, The Onion, it issued a parody press release about the fictional “MagnaSoles” to show marketer ploys on consumer gullibility. To achieve this satire, the publication uses a satirical tone and criticizes the credibility of ads to reveal the fallacy and manipulative power of the industrial world. To begin, the article achieves a satirical tone through devious diction and illogical reasoning that can be found in advertisements enticing consumers to a product. Touching light on the consumer population, many consumers are easily swayed by scientific terminology. The article mocks advertisers by stating, “MagnaSoles employ a brand-new, cutting-edge form of pseudoscience known as Terranometry.” By implementing intelligent-sounding words, a product is more compelling and can make consumers fall in the realm of absurdity. This reveals the crafty and cunning tactics of marketers and their knowledge of a consumer population. The article also uses words such as “pain-nuclei” and “kilofrankels” to satirize marketers use of false, inaccurate terminology, which in effect, leads to the false promotion of their product. Correspondingly, the illogical rationale posed by marketers is shown when the article asserts that “MagnaSoles utilize the healing power of crystals to stimulate dead foot cells with vibrational biofeedback...restoring the foot’s natural bio-flow.” The article …show more content…

The Onion’s satirical press release of the new, exciting “MagnaSoles” revealed the ploys and tactics of how products are advertised to a consumer population. Exposing the fallacy and manipulative power of ads, it uses a satirical tone throughout the article through inflated diction, absurd reasoning, coupled with false testimonies and counterfeit professions to discredit

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