
The Onion: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The critique in the article by The Onion is revolved around marketing techniques such as outrageous claims that advertisers make in an attempt to convince their audience to buy their product. This critique is made using a sarcastic tone and caricatures of the characters commonly seen in commercials. Not only are caricatures and hyperboles used but also a use of overly scholarly language to make the product out to be much more than it’s worth. Throughout the parody of a shoe insert commercial, the author utilizes overly scholarly language, making the shoe insert seem more appealing than it actually is. Overly scholarly language teamed with the hyperboles such as the claim made in the article that, “‘MagnaSoles utilize the healing power of crystals to restimulate dead foot cells…’”, is what gives the article it’s sarcastic tone. The sarcasm lies in the outrageous lengths most advertisers are willing to go to, in order to convince people to buy their product, which is what this parody is doing by claiming to “restimulate” the dead …show more content…

The work utilized the two most stereotypical characters seen on commercials: the doctor/ scientist, and the person claiming to have used the product for themself and ended up loving it. The work brings in the “pseudoscientist” named Dr. Arthur Bluni who is discussing the Magna-Grid design of the MagnaSoles that, “[restores] the foot’s natural bioflow”. Not stopping at that, they even bring in another doctor (Dr. Wayne Frankel) claiming that the, “‘special resonator nodules implanted at key spots in MagnaSoles convert the wearer’s own energy to match the Earth’s natural vibration rate…’” adding to the sarcastic tone seen throughout the article. Through the usage of these caricatures the work brings forth once more the critique of the outrageous claims made by advertisers in attempts to make some

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