
Madrid Spain Research Paper

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Madrid Spain
The world is full of so many beautiful places to travel and different cultures and languages. There are many places i will love to travel for example France, Madrid Spain, Portugal or Brasil. Out of those 4 places i decided to travel to Madrid Spain, Madrid is the capital of Spain. According to(é-quieres/ciudades-pueblos/grandes-ciudades/madrid.html), Facts show that Madrid has a large cultural and artistic heritage. Madrid is famous for its legacy of centuries exciting history, museums, and its two soccer teams, which are Real Madrid and Atletico de Madrid. A case in Point that brought me to look more in Spain was during my Freshman and Sophomore year in my Spanish class we talked about different …show more content…

The Guernica is one of the most famous paints from the 20th century. According to ( Guernica is an Anti-war symbol. An incident that stood up for picasso to create the Guernica was, when Monday 26, 1937 around 4:30pm warplanes of the German condor bombed Guernica. Guernica is a town in the province of Biscay in the Basque country. During the attack all the mans that lived in Guernica were at war during the spanish civil war. The reason why I like this painting is because of the significant it has to all Spanish people, not just for the spanish people but for the world. According to (, The Guernica's images represent several events from the Guernica bombing. For example, the Lady with a dead child represent the innocent people that were killed and the effect on the innocent people that died and survived. Knowing that bulls and horses are a big importance to the Spanish culture it has been hard to interpret the meaning of the bull and horse in The Guernica . According to ( The bull may represent the onslaught of fascism and the horse all the innocent animals and the innocent animals that died. This is the reason why I want to visit Centro de Reina Sofia, because this painting has a big meaning

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