
Madonna King Ian Fazer

Decent Essays

Ian Frazer was a determined Scotsman, who moved to Australia in 1981 to start his lifework, which would change women’s lives around the world forever. Many years later became known as the person ‘who has given science a face’ in a sport-dominated Australia. Many other doctors have admitted to being able to relate to Ian Frazer's early story on a very personal level. Ian grew up in a semi-wealthy family who supported him fully in his works. His father was also a scientist, leading Ian into that line of work, and after many opportunities and risks were taken, Ian Frazer became known forever, as the man who saved millions of lives. Madonna King is known as a respected Brisbane journalist, who skillfully deconstructs the complicated biological …show more content…

It is a biography about Ian Frazer but it is just as much a biography based on the HPV vaccine and Ian Frazer's work team who helped create the vaccine. The shared focus of the biography is something of which suits Frazer's personality completely. The book was easy to read, however the narrative jumps around chronologically. Generally the book follows a chronological sequence, despite this some aspects of the story materialise out of this sequence creating some disorientation for the reader. Author Madonna King clearly again spent a lot of time making the book available for every reader as also she made the confusing legal side of the story seem quite simple, alongside this, history and insights from family, friends and colleagues are easily read. Due to this, some sections of the book do not blend nor sit well together. However, the overall effect is captivating and accomplishes the main aim a biography holds, this is to shine a light on every part of the person's life and story. One of the only negatives of this book as a whole is that the cover of the biography is dull and boring, only containing three main colours; black, grey and white. I believe that if the book had a few more colours or a more mesmerizing image on the front, it would attract a broader audience of people to the

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