
Machiavelli's Ideal

Decent Essays

Machiavelli bases his observations on what he believes the “real world” is, and not on an imagined ideal. Machiavelli’s first states that there is so much difference between the way people should act and the way they do act that any prince must know when to act immorally. Cliff notes claims, “Everyone agrees that a prince should have all good qualities, but because that is impossible, a wise prince will avoid these vices that would destroy his power and not worry about the rest.” Machiavelli recommends that leaders be bad rather than good. Furthermore, he justifies this statement by saying that since we do not live in a perfect little world one cannot be perfect to survive when the world is full of unscrupulous people. This is where I disagree …show more content…

“The answer is that it is difficult to join them together, it is much safer for a prince to be feared than loved,” (The Prince, 35). Machiavelli states that as a successful leader it is much safer to be feared because then the people will not rebel against you because they fear you. To put it in modern terms, Machiavelli believes that if good gestures are being done for the people, when it comes to the leader, they will turn against you. “Because we can say this about men in general: they are ungrateful, changeable, stimulators and dissimulators, runaways in danger, eager for gain…” (The Prince, 35). It is absolutely wrong, that Machiavelli generalizes all males negatively. There is no righteous way that Machiavelli can say that because he has not met all the males in the whole universe. His support towards his argument is invalid. It is not better or safer to be feared than loved because if the people feared their leaders, at any chance the people have, they will overthrow their leader because they fear them. Having people fear their leaders does not give the leader a chance to rule with loyal followers but followers that follow out of fear. In addition, at the end of the day, the people who love their leaders and love what they believe in and where they come from succeed more than the feared because love is stronger than any force in the

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