
Macbeth Responsible For Killing

Satisfactory Essays

Macbeth Essay In this Essay I will be writing about the play Macbeth written by Shakespeare. In the play there is a lot of dying and tragedies. I'm writing about who is responsible for all the killing and my opinion is that Macbeth was the most responsible because he could have overlooked all of them and made his own decisions. He could have prevented any killing. I have three reasons why I chose Macbeth. My first reason is when the witches came and told him his and banquo’s “fate” he didn’t have to believe them. In act 1 scene 3 the witches told macbeth and banquo that they would become all these things but Macbeth didn’t have to listen. Now my second reason is in Act 1 Scene 7, Lady Macbeth said to Macbeth

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