
Examples Of Conflicting Forces In Macbeth

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Shakespeare is one of the most influential and famous playwrights of modern times. A major reason his work is loved by so many is because of his insightfulness into the human mind, and one of Shakespeare’s greatest works demonstrating this is Macbeth. This famous play is about nobleman and military man Macbeth and how his tragic choices lead to his inevitable demise. The first and most trying choice that Macbeth has to make is whether or not to kill Duncan, the king of Scotland. Macbeth has to make this decision while being pulled in different directions by two conflicting forces. The force pulling him away from murder is his loyalty and humanity towards Duncan. The other force pulling him towards murder is his loyalty towards Lady Macbeth …show more content…

But despite Macbeth’s desire to take the throne, he does not want to kill Duncan. What pushes Macbeth over the edge is Lady Macbeth. She tells Macbeth to follow his ambitions and kill Duncan. She says that murdering Duncan is not a sin, and that it is all worth it for the crown. These words from Lady Macbeth’s mouth are what made Macbeth decide to follow through and commit murder. “I am settled and bend up each corporal agent to this terrible feat.” (1.7.92-93). Macbeth will do the act, but he is very reluctant to do so. In conclusion, Macbeth’s ambitions and his loyalty towards Lady Macbeth are huge factors for why Macbeth was torn, and why he decided to kill Duncan. This conflict illuminates the point of the play as a whole. A major part of Macbeth is about how Macbeth is conflicted about doing the right thing and doing what will benefit him. In this conflict Macbeth exemplifies this because he doesn’t want to kill Duncan. Duncan is thought of as a great leader, so to kill him would be traitorous and detrimental to Scotland. Duncan is also very kind to Macbeth. But Macbeth still wants the crown, so he is not sure what to do until Lady Macbeth pushes him towards killing Duncan. Finally, Macbeth decides to do what benefits him rather than what is for the good of Scotland. Another major part of Macbeth is about how Macbeth deludes himself into thinking he has done no wrong. In this conflict,

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