
MMTJE1 Production Analysis

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The comparison of actual performance to standard performance from MMJTE1 production results over one year shows the overall production favorable against the standard by 468k. However the locations with deviations between actual performance and standard targets require review to determine the deviation level, cause, and criticality (Process of controlling, n.d.). The first year of data provided for the production of MMTJE1 shows that overall production, cost, and issues were favorable in comparison to the standard targets, where time spent, training hours, and quality control was unfavorable against their targets (see Appendix A for data). Conclusions from the analysis of the data shows the more time spent training a location, the …show more content…

32). Some corrective actions are recommended for the locations requiring improvements. Juarez requires improvements in quantity production, and problems with quality control, 3D printers, and shipping/damage. To increase the quantity of toys produced, they need more hours of training, and their equipment and process needs to be inspected and reviewed to determine why they had the largest amount of issues with quality control, 3D printers, and shipping/damages. While Dayton requires review into why their costs where the least favorable compared to standard. These types of actions fall under different types of control, pre, concurrent, and feedback. Pre-control occurs before the work is performed and is aimed at eliminating behavior that causes unfavorable results, such as training, while concurrently refers to employee performance or functioning equipment, and feedback refers to the post performance against standards (Omran, 2005, p. 32). Although corrective actions are to be taken due to deviations from the plan, there are other methods of determining deviations from the standard.
A few non-budgetary methods to review deviations are statistical analysis, break-even point analysis, operational audit, and personal observation. Statistical analysis used data to discover underlying patterns or trends to assist in making

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