
M-1 Summary

Satisfactory Essays

AT 1103 hours, this writer met with Ms. Ford at her place of abode where M-1 also resides. Ms. Ford, gave this writer permission to search the inside premises and outside premises for M-1. The inside of the house and outside of the house were negative for M-1.
Ms. Ford, provided a photo of M-1, fliers were made and approved of M-1.
At 1140 hours, this writer met with employee Ms. Eleni Tesfaye Sadk of Rhode Island Avenue, Liquor store located at 1814 Hamlin Street, Northeast (202) 526-1216 she told this writer she knows M-1 very well. He is her first customer everyday. She last saw him three days ago. He purchased a 12 ounce natural light beer and Wild Irish Rose wine. This location does have video survillance, however

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