
Appointments And Outbound And Minutes Essay

Satisfactory Essays

For this analysis I have selected the variables “APPOINTMENTS”, “OUTBOUND” and “MINUTES” as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd individual variables respectively. Also the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pairs of variables I have selected for this analysis are respectively “APPOINTMENTS and OUTBOUND”, “APPOINTMENTS and MINUTES” and “MINUTES and OUTBOUND”. PART A: Exploratory Data Analysis 1. Graphical and numerical summaries for 1st individual variable, i.e. APPOINTMENTS. Descriptive Statistics: APPOINTMENTS Variable N Mean StDev Minimum Median Maximum Skewness Kurtosis APPOINTMENTS 100 28.780 4.378 19.000 29.000 39.000 0.04 -0.16 The shape of the histogram for the variable “APPOINTMENTS” depicts that the distribution of that variable is approximately normal with (M = 28.78, SD = 4.378). The median (29.00) which is almost coincides with the mean (28.78) and the coefficient of skewness (.04) is almost same as ‘0’, also confirms that the distribution is symmetric. The coefficient of kurtosis (–.16), close to ‘0’ specifies that the distribution of “APPOINTMENTS” is approximately normal. 2. Graphical and numerical summaries for 2nd individual variable, i.e. OUTBOUND. Descriptive Statistics: OUTBOUND Variable N Mean StDev Minimum Median Maximum Skewness Kurtosis OUTBOUND 100 96.63 18.33 61.00 95.50 138.00 0.04 -0.67 The shape of the histogram for the variable “OUTBOUND” depicts that the distribution of that variable is approximately normal with (M = 96.63, SD = 18.33). The median (95.50) which is almost

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