Sometimes you lie to not hurt someone,other times you lie just to be deceiving.
Sometimes a person can lie to someone when the case is really bad and you just have to or else it will cause pain,on the other hand some people lie to gain personal advantage. Lying is sometimes justified when you are in a case involving someone's feelings,but when you lie just to hurt someone you then become the image of a cruel person. When choosing to lie,you should only be in the position of having to lie for an emotional cause,if you lie just to damage a person emotionally your what you call a cheat. Lying is sometimes justified when you truly need to lie about something important ,but when you lie just for fun of it you are making yourself look like
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On the other hand Tim states if you tell a lie tell another until that one is covered up,which isn’t so good. The lie shoneta told to her mother was so her mother wouldn’t be mad,sad,or disappointed which was an act to not not hurt someone in this case her mom. On the other hand Tim wasn’t really upset with his decisions on lying and never getting to tell the truth. When you always lie you soon start to lose trust in yourself .But when you sometimes lie on certain things such as to keep someone from harm it's okay. Once a person lies bit by bit that person soon realizes how fake they are. When you lie to help someone you're saving one day without pain and stress. Once you step into the path of liars you lose the advantages of telling the truth,and being honest with other people,once people start to realize you lied they will see you as nothing else but a person with fake
In In Austin Weekly News Loretta Ragsdell interviewed Tim who said, :Sometimes it the thing between you or a guaranteed beat down from your parents.” This shows that this can stop him from getting and in a way this lie is justified. Tim uses this form of lie to get him out of physical trouble with his parents. In Article 4 Loressa Ragsdell also interviewed Marianna who said, “ The best lie I ever told was when I had taken the car and didn’t get a chance to put it back before my mother knew it was gone. I told her that I had taken it to get it washed for her birthday surprise but the car wash was closed.:
“...ok to lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.” The people who believe lying is justified, usually say it’s ok to not tell the truth to cover someone’s feelings or to keep someone from being hurt mentally and/or physically. However in the long run, they may think it’s for the better but are still blatantly lying and could possibly cause even more damage than intended. “Apparently even white lies are acceptable, even necessary.” Everyone tells a white lie here and there, and if they’re lucky it won’t affect anyone, but why should it be risked? Just because we color code a lie doesn’t makes it kind of “ok.” Do we say a white lie is ok, and a yellow lie is bad, and a red lie is unacceptable?o, because a lie is lie in the end, whether is considered a “white lie” or just a lie. A person might tell a white lie, but gets caught so has to cover it with another lie again and again, and in the end turns out not to be considered a white lie anymore. Others who say it’s justified, have a different opinion on lying, but as a question, why should we lie when honesty is an option?Everyday people hear others lie and see how bad the outcome it could be, however still deliberately lie. When a person lies to you they don’t respect you in a way others don’t see, or when a person calls you a liar they insult your integrity. However, in vise versa if the opposite person lies to them they are being egocentric. So in the
Many time we lie because we don’t want to hurt or disappoint people when in return you are hurting yourself . I understand your action and have done the same myself. The statement you made we need to take a deeper look at the decisions that we make on daily basis is so true. Many time are white lie affect people. For , example if I call in sick and have no substitute to cover my class this cause a great effect on my students and coworker. When it would have been better to plan for a day off.
Joud zahran 10.5 Lies And Deception We all lie, we all have our secrets are reasons to why. Some people might define lying as good, a way to spare another from pain or themselves. Others may see it badly. As for the definition of lies from “a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.”
Have you ever told a friend their outfit looks good when you really thought it was hideous? Don’t feel bad about it. Liars are people we all know. Truthfully, we have all become liars from time to time ourselves, it’s just the truth. Some don’t want to admit this, and will continue to lie about. Lying doesn’t necessarily define you as a bad person. In the moment, lying seems necessary and the right choice. We lie to save another’s feelings from being hurt. We lie to another to save someone else. We lie to save ourselves. We lie so we can avoid someone knowing a secret that they don’t deserve knowing. We justify our lying as it won’t affect the other negatively, in the case they don’t find out. We lie for reasons that show we are still good people.
I’ve always thought myself to be too naive. I tend to trust anyone and believe whatever they tell me. My biggest pet peeve is being lied too. So it hurts for me to believe everything and then find out it was a lie. Recently I have tried to not trust people as much, but when they say something I never think they would lie to me. So I always end up believing them. I wish I could to be so trusting, or maybe others should just stop lying.
People lie a lot in their lives. Even though they know that it is morally and religiously incorrect, they do it all the time. Mothers lie to their children; children lie to their parents and students to their teachers. It is a huge part of people daily behavior. They do it for many reasons, like lying to gain certain things or lying to avoid responsibilities. For example, when a girl tells her friend she does not looks fat in her new dress but the truth she does, or when a wife tells her husband that she likes his new haircut, and the reality she does not. Also, people lie serious lies in more complicated situation; for example a witness lies about what he saw in the crime scene. Lying is usually telling a false statement with the intention that another person will believe what you have said is true (Mahon, 2008).
1) Lie to someone can be justified or not? Parents teach us do not lie. My mother scolded me and my brother when we told her lie, and I remember from my childhood that lies is bad. I do not like to lie and I do not know how to lie. For example, when I try lie to someone my face turns red and my voice changes. So, everyone immediately can identify that I’m cheating. For me lie is a bad action, however, if my lie can save someone life I will lie. I have a friend who lie every day and every minute. She can’t live without cheating. She lives like in another world. Every day she fantasizes his life. For example, she can say I was in Florida yesterday and tomorrow I will go to Paris, but it is not true and she doesn’t. She has a habit to lie, and
This week we were given a video to watch all about how to spot a liar. According to Pamela Meyer (2011), the two truths about lying are that lying is a cooperative act, and that we as a society are against lying…but secretly for it (Meyer, 2011). Both facts to me are equally surpising but in many ways make absolute sense. Ultimately the one I agree with more however, is that we as a society are against lying…but secretly for it. Every individual on this earth at one time or another has lied. We lie for many reasons. Whether it was to save ourselves from some kind of trouble, to make someone feel better or to improve a situation. I believe that on one or more occasions every living sole on earth has been secretly happy that a lie had been told. It is human nature for us to want to feel happy or good. Something as little as telling your significant other you like a gift they gave you even though you hated
To begin with, when one lies it can harm relationships with the ones you care most about. For example, Cohen Explains that “Once a person finds out you lied you lose currency in their eyes “ (Article 1, paragraph 12). Basically, lying in this situation has caused one to lost the trust of another. This is important because if one continues to lie it can affect the relationship one has towards another. For instance, Blanton states that we should “have the courage to be honest and have a relationship with others based on reality” (Article 3, paragraph 5). One can see by this that Blanton wants us to understand that if we want to maintain a relationship one must have the courage to be honest and try to to lie. From this, one can infer that if one wants others to believe and trust them they should try to at least not lie when it comes to an important relationship. Therefore, lying is justified when one is trying to not harm the
People lie all the time, and they will always keep lying. The truth is still valued more than a lie in most cases, but I don’t think lying is always bad. It can however make a simple situation much worse. The way to prevent lying is simply to tell the truth once in a while. Admit that you’ve done something wrong and move on. This really makes much more of a difference than you think. It will prevent you from lying about it in the future and it will show people that you’re mature enough to admit when you’re wrong. As long as we are willing to forgive others for lying to us, we can let them forgive us for lying to them. Because in the end we all do
No, I am terrible at telling when someone is lying. I can never tell when someone is lying just because I think I trust people too much or if it's a small lie and a joke, I just don't care enough about it. It's up to that person if they want to lie to me or tell the truth but if it involves anything about family, I would like to know the truth. I think it wouldn't make my life better because I wouldn't have the time to worry about the situation and I would be struggling with
Sometimes telling a lie seems to be so necessary to spare our loved ones to be hurt. “Not only is Lying justified, it is sometimes a moral duty.” The above, evidence implies that by telling lies we can prevent future arguments from happening. Lying yields positive results rather than negative ones because you did lie to protect others and not to be hurt.
Deception in research can be considered a broad subject because there are so many things that fits under deception in research. Deception in research occurs as a result of researcher giving false or intentionally withholding information from research participants. The ethical question with deception in research is the informed consent because a participant needs to be informed on what the research is about. Standards 3.10 and 8.02 on informed consent both emphasizes on the client/ participant rights to know what the research entails. The premise is that when the participants are less knowledgeable it will produce spontaneous and uninfluenced reactions. According to Fisher (2013), participant are given Informed consent for deception
I also agree that we should think before we act. First, we tell lies to avoid hurting the feelings of someone. Words are very powerful so when we are friends with someone and we know that they are hurting we usually tell white lies to make them feel better. In addition, we tell lies to protect their own feelings. If we know that a lie can make a person happy then go for it even though it is bad because we love them and we will do everything for them. Second, we tell lies to avoid getting into trouble. An example is we prevent physical and mental harm. A situation that is proper to this is when we are in danger; obviously we need to tell numerous lies to protect ourselves from getting hurt. Third, we tell lies to avoid losing someone. We tend to lie because the truth might ruin our relationship with the person even though we know that when we lie to someone, we already ruin the relationship we have with them. Moreover, gaining the trust of a person is very hard; we tend to push them away because some of us have trust issues, so when we finally gained that trust we are afraid to