
Compare The Ways We Lie

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1) Lie to someone can be justified or not? Parents teach us do not lie. My mother scolded me and my brother when we told her lie, and I remember from my childhood that lies is bad. I do not like to lie and I do not know how to lie. For example, when I try lie to someone my face turns red and my voice changes. So, everyone immediately can identify that I’m cheating. For me lie is a bad action, however, if my lie can save someone life I will lie. I have a friend who lie every day and every minute. She can’t live without cheating. She lives like in another world. Every day she fantasizes his life. For example, she can say I was in Florida yesterday and tomorrow I will go to Paris, but it is not true and she doesn’t. She has a habit to lie, and …show more content…

If my lie can safe person life I will lie, because for me person life more important than the rule "never lie". In our life, we have situations when we can’t tell the truth and we need to lie. Without a lie, our life would be harder and worse. I divide lie on a bad lie and on a good lie. Parents lie children about Santa because the idea about Santa can even help some kids stay on their best behavior. For example, my sister-in-law tells her daughter (if you behave badly Santa does not come to you), and her daughter’s behavior changes for the better. The idea about Santa helps to educate children, develop their imagination and develop creative minds. This lie is kind and it does not harm …show more content…

He was very tired of family and job. He spent all his time at work and in his free time he was sitting with his baby. This routine bothered him Every day was the same, and his life was not happy. In one day, he decided not to go to work and he called to his boss and he said that his daughter is sick. On another day, he called the boss and said that his baby has leukemia. On the third day, he called the boss and said that his daughter dies. In these days Off he drank beer, was on the beach, at a cinema, at shopping mall etc. He spent all days Off on pleasure. For me, his lie has no excuse. There was no serious reason to

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