
Long Term Care Accreditation Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Accreditation is a reviewing process to demonstrate the ability of organizations to meet criteria and standards established by a professional accrediting agency.

In the accreditation process there are enrollment, self-assessment, on-site assessment, commission decision and maintaining reaccreditation. ("Steps in the Accreditation Process").
How often accreditation is done depends on the organization. It can be done every year, every two years, every three years, etc.
The review includes structure, policies, compliance with laws, leadership, human resource management and provision of care. Organizations demonstrate how they maintained consistent compliance with the ACHC Accreditation Standards.
Long term care organizations are required to go through an on-site survey every three years to evaluate the organization and provide guidance for the staff to continue improving performance. …show more content…

A negative impacts of accreditation is that if the institution does not meet the requirements, they will give them a date for them to be in compliance. When they return to redo the survey, if the requirements are not met, they charge fees to the institution and sometimes it cannot receive other admissions until the issue is resolved, which puts more demands on the management and

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