
Lonely Angler Fish Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays


The gleaming water glistens in the rays of the sun.
As the waves crash onto the shore,
My eyes dance, looking at the habitat before me.
I see the playful dolphins jumping in and out of the shining water
And the reef, home to exuberant varieties of beings,
Safe from the marauders of the sea.
The seagull screeches and plunges into the water,
Carrying its victim in its beak as it resurfaces.
I look deeper into the salty water that stings my eyes,
And I see the looming shark swim after its prey,
Its jaws ready to snap at the slightest movement.
Going deeper still, I find the lonely angler fish,
Using its light to lure fish into its deadly trap.
As I rise to the surface once more,
I realize that there is no equal to the beauty before

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