
Lodz Ghetto Thesis

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The Lodz Ghetto was located in Poland. During its time throughout the events of World War II, it was the second largest concentration camp in construction, only to Auschwitz-Birkenau located in southern Poland and opened up in 1940. We also saw the railroad tracks that were at the concentration camp during the tour at the Holocaust museum. The Lodz Ghetto was started one week after capture on the date of September 14th, 1939. It was as well one of the first camps to be started under Germanic reign during World War II as well. Over 160,000 Jews were stuffed into to the poorly sanitized area. On November 7, 1939, Lodz was incorporated into the Third Reich and the Nazi's changed its name to Litzmannstadt, named after a German general who died while attempting to conquer Lodz in World War I.

The next several months were marked by daily round-ups of Jews for forced labor as well as random beatings and killings on the streets. It was easy to distinguish between Pole and Jew because on November 16, 1939 the Nazi's had ordered Jews to wear an armband on their right arm. The armband was the precursor to the Star Of David which was soon to follow on December 12, 1939. On December 10th, 1939, the Govenor of the Lodz area Friedrich Übelhör. He wrote a secret memorandum, basically a memorandum is a …show more content…

The Lodz Jews were ordered to go to the Chelmno Concentraion Camp. Deportations from the Lodz ghetto to the Chelmno killing center begin. German police will carry out roundups in the ghetto. Hundreds of Jews, mainly children, the elderly, and the sick, are killed on the spot during the deportations. By September 1942, over 70,000 Jews will have been deported to Chelmno, where they are killed in mobile gas vans the name of it should speak for itself. Most of the Jewsih people were killed in moving from one place to another. The same gas that was used in the gas chambers were used in the

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