
Locked Up Research Paper

Decent Essays

Locked Up Most people I know have a love or hate relationship with reading and writing, depending on their upbringing and experiences with each. Our world revolves around college and getting a degree in order to go into the real world to get a job. The real world can be described as paying your own bills and living out on your own. We get a job to make money, which is what most of us love to make. Parents always push their kids at a younger age to start reading so when they get older their reading skills will already be well developed. If these kids hated reading in the early stages of their life, like I did, they will soon come to realize that reading is very important. I went through a long process of hating writing, then having to learn how to love it. Many people have been in the same foot steps as myself.
When I was just a little boy in middle school, I already had a great amount of pressure put on me. I was not the type of kid who particularly enjoyed reading; it was not something I would just do for fun. With my mother being a teacher at the elementary school level, she always pushed me to read. My mother would always say something along the lines of, “You better start reading now, because you are going to be reading for …show more content…

“So you can see, literacy isn’t boring at all. It can be a useful tool for making and solidifying relationships” (Wiltse Page 648). This experience helped me realize that reading was going to be a big part of my learning experience. With so much hate for reading, I knew that I would have to come to love it, and in middle school it was just the beginning of it all. I had no idea that high school was going to be a whole other story. AR points were a big challenge that I never want to face again. AR points changed reading for me forever, with this, I never want to have another weekend being locked in a closet feeling as if I am dying from reading a

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