
Little Rock Nine Research Paper

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One “key event” of the American Civil Rights Movement occurred when nine African- American students enrolled in an all- white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas on September 4, 1957. (History). Although, in 1954 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public school was unconstitutional, integration was not common at the time and many people were upset with the changes including the governor, Orval Faubus (History). This essay will present information on the life and achievements of the students that were apart of the Little Rock Nine.
Integration for black and white students wasn’t easy. On September 4, 1957, Governor Faubus sent the National Guard to the school saying that it was for “the student’s own protection” (History). The nine students, Minnijean Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest Green, Thelma Mothershed, Melba …show more content…

Therefore, Faubus took away the troops and let them go to school, but it wasn’t a happy beginning for some of the students. For instance, Melba Patillo told the “New York Times” that she was “kicked, beaten, and had acid thrown in her face” (History). Even with the hate slurs and abuse thrown at the nine teenagers, they were all able to go to Central High and get an education they deserved. With Ernest Green being the oldest, he was the first “African American to graduate of Central High” (History). Faubus was furious when he heard this, so as of “September of 1958,” he officially closed the “Little Rock’s high schools” for the entire year “to prevent African Americans from attending” (History). Although the other eight students had to go to different high schools to complete their education, they still integrated Central High when they were going

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